1. Drive Aptamil Mega Brand Strategy
ü Be responsible for overall brand health & equity performance
ü Contribute to mega brand strategy, including brand building model and full year campaign idea & calendar
ü Support...
1.Achieve yearly sales target and gain share in JD
l Make solid sales plan monthly, quarterly and yearly, update sales process timely to ensure sales process is on track
l Ensure good resources in customer to ensure sales process is on track
Follow sales plan and timely analysis...
l 在指定领域内与客户和潜在客户建立,维护和发展业务,社会关系以提高获得最大利润目标的概率, 并通过有效的销售和服务收集应收货款。
l 通过提供产品的信息和使用说明及相关服务等以确保产品和服务强而有效的市场份额。
l 基于竞争活动相关的销售数据和趋势,采取或向上级建议必要的改进措施。
l 向上级通报影响地区销售的经济、竞争及其它因素,并提出建议。
l 向上级提供关于顾客需求,困难,利益,市场情况,竞争者活动以及潜在新产品或服务方面的口头或书面报告。
l ...
Responsibility:- As
IT PO to work closely with the business function to understand and clarify the
existing and potential system demand, to maximize the system contribution to
the business and manage Sales Digital Product and mid-platform...
Responsibility:As Learning Manager, (s)he will be responsible of the initial, develop, deploy, measure the solutions about including not limited to:
1. Managerial Skills for the middle managers for Greater China organization.
2. Transversal skills for the middle managers for Greater China, Japan,...
Lead HK labels demand planning, including working with DI team directly and coordinating HK team.
Drive global/ regional/ local demand planning projects.
Initiate projects to improve forecast accuracy and demand planning work processes.
Key user for demand...